miercuri, 17 februarie 2010

Click here for our picture slide with kids drumming 

Click here to see pictures from our last drumming party (february 2010)

Fun with drums

Is your child having a birtday party ? 
Do you want something new to help developing his education in nice way ? 
We are a team of actors and drummers with experience in parties and we promise 
a lot of fun and a lot of new things to learn, to form a group. 
The show lasts for one hour, involves the kids (each kid receives a drum or a percussion instrument like djembe - african drum - shakers, maracas...), involves learning about drums, and also learning some rytms, and that helps improving their musical ear, their coordonation and general knowledge,
and all that having so much fun and relaxation. A party you won't forget ! And in the end the kid
receives a surprise gift from our team !

The parties are available in romanian and english. 


"For me and my kids your performance and activities was the best "party-experience" ever. They liked it very much, because it was not only entertainment, but they could do also something themselves. For me it was very suprising, that in very short time the kids were able to make music with the instruments and it sounded very good. In my opion your activities give all the kids the chance to participate whatever their age and abilities. i would love you to be here in Germany and do some activities here with the school-kids. We have very difficult kids here, but I am very sure they would benefit a lot from a regular activity with you" (Astrid Zachari - recently moved back to Germany)
" I liked the way the actor involved the kids in drumming, the show, the drums"
"We would like to see you in schools doing this kind of persormance, involving the parents also"
"I liked the patience of the trainer"
"Just great ! Good idea for learning something new, original and entertaining"
"A good way for the kids to free the energy in a creative way"
"I think some of the kids discovered a new passion"
"I don't think the kids ever had the chance to see all this instruments in the same place and work to make rythms and music"